"Systemically remove cover plates, unbolt components and cut existing cable ties to tubing and replace pump. assembly reverse of dismantling."
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Exploded diagrams, Schematics and other documents
"Removal of back cover to acess pump, loosen screws, remove clamps, disconnect wires"
"You will need long nose pliers, several different sizes length phillips head screwdrivers and some mini cable ties. httpsyoutu.bev-wcjdrrffw this link to you tube will show you how to take apart the unit. ensure you take a photo of where all the wires are before removing anything and ensure they go back the same."
"Existing video clip was perfect"
"Watched video on computer on replacing"
"Plug and play"
"Open machine, disconnect wires and screws. remove clips for water pipes, unscrew top fitting. fit reverse order."
"Remove the top and back panels, remove hoses to and from the pump. remove the 4 screws and electrical cables and pop out the pump. replacement is opposite to removal."
"I followed a youtube video to figure out how to take the machine apart and to troubleshoot the issue. the screws that came out when taking the machine apart were all different sizes so i made sure to put them in separate little ziplocks and label them so they could go back correctly. after the advice given on youtube i was 95 sure it was the pump and that replacing it would fix it. once the pump was received i followed a youtube video to remove the existing pump. make sure you take photos of where everything is attached before you start taking it apart. basically you disconnect all the parts attached to the pump then reconnect them to the new pump. the order doesnt really matter as long as everything is connected in the end. in some places it is easier to cut the cable ties (carefully so you dont damage the plastic piping) and then replace with new cable ties. it wasnt difficult to actually figure out what to do but the space youre working with can be tight and very fiddly so that was the most time consuming and frustratinghard part. if an only-slightly-handy but determined female in her 30s can do it you can too with all the troubleshooting dismantling replacing testing first and then putting back together probably took me a good 5-6 hours all up."
"Before buying a new pump check to see that it is not clogged up with calcium deposits. the cleaning tablets for the machine doesnt clean everything. run a tank of food grade white vinegar through then flush out with several tanks of water. you should see improvement in the flow if the pump is ok. if not then replace the pump and check the small inline filter in the tube just after the tank outlet."