"Assume the range hood is in situ. unplug the range hood and take out the filters. remove the 4 securing screws from the existing fanmotor assembly and lower fan unit out of hood onto raised platform underneath. also remove the switching unit held in by two screws if cable length is insufficient. unscrew wiring loom housing light globe housing from body of faulty motorfan unit and attach them onto the new unit. you may need to widen the pre-drilled holes to fit existing screws. open the wiring loom housing. note and mark the wires to be swapped to the switching unit and light globe assembly. make the ncessary wiring changes - 4 in screw terminal block, 2 crimps and close the housing. plug the range hood back in and test the 3 fan speeds and the light. they should all be operational. reinstall the fanmotor unit and swtiching unit. it can help to have a second person assist by holding the fanmotor unit in place while the screws are fitted."
MOTOR HIGH AIR FLOW(INC. ITEMS 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26 27)
Location Ref: 1
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